Monday, September 25, 2017

Migrate SQL Plan Baselines

You can now manually load SQL baseline of a specific sql_id from a different better performing  database  (e.g. SIT) to another database where you have slowness issue for that specific sql or sql_id. 

Oracle notes and most other blogs did not have exact correct steps to execute that. You can  refer this step by step guide.

Migrate or Export / Import SQL Plan Baseline across Database:
In my DEV, environment I had already created  SQL plan baselines for this specific sql_id to stabilize the plan.  In my SIT, the execution plan for the same sql_id was not good. I could not find better execution plans for this specific sql_id either in cursor memory or historical reports in SIT.  Time was running out , hence i decided to get better baseline from DEV and import in SIT to influence optimizer to perform better.   

  1. Create staging table in DEV as we want to export the SQL baseline from here and execute the package as SYS or SYSDBA user
exec DBMS_SPM.CREATE_STGTAB_BASELINE(table_name => 'SQLBASE_SIT', table_owner=>'APPS');

  1. Pack the SQL plan baselines  for the sql_id that you want to export from the SQL management base into the staging table.  Execute as SYS user
  my_plans number;
    table_name => 'SQLBASE_SIT',
    plan_name => 'SQL_PLAN_8a6pvqdabksqh4673ac44',
   sql_handle  => 'SQL_851abbb354b962d0');

  1. Export the table in DEV2 and import it in SIT1
exp system/*** tables='APPS.SQLBASE_SIT' file=sit_sqlbaseline01.dmp log=expsit_sqlbaseline01.log à DEV
imp system/****  file=sit_sqlbaseline01.dmp log=impsqlbase01.log full=y  à SIT

  1.  Unpacks the specific sql_handle and plan_name stored in the staging table 'SQLBASE_SIT'. Execute only as SYS user. Importing as SYSTEM user would not work and that's the key. 

  my_plans number;
   table_name => 'SQLBASE_SIT',
   fixed => 'NO',
   plan_name => 'SQL_PLAN_8a6pvqdabksqh4673ac44',
   sql_handle  => 'SQL_851abbb354b962d0');

  1. Verify if the sql_id (v$sql ) have picked up sql plan baseline in SIT1 and it has picked up
 select inst_id,parsing_schema_name user2,sql_id,plan_hash_value,executions, trunc(buffer_gets/decode(nvl(executions,1),0,1,nvl(executions,1))) BGE,trunc(ELAPSED_TIME/decode(nvl(executions,1),0,1,nvl(executions,1)))/1000000 EPE, SQL_PLAN_BASELINE from gv$sql where sql_id in ('36qn50vfsgzjh')
order by last_active_time desc;

------- ---------- ------------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------
      1 APPS       36qn50vfsgzjh      2709963026      38681         25    .000377 SQL_PLAN_8uwa8ckjgdkqh5557b5eb

Sometimes, you may find it odd that optimizer has not picked up the baseline even after importing. In those cases, you can flush the address of sql from shared pool , so that the baselines is picked up. 

- Find the  SQL address & hash_value ( not plan_hash_value)  

select address, hash_value, plan_hash_value, sql_id,executions, fetches,(SUM(elapsed_time)/power(10,6))/SUM(executions) avg_response_in_seconds from gv$sqlarea where sql_id in ('36qn50vfsgzjh','a07y05uya8653') GROUP BY address, hash_value,plan_hash_value,sql_id,executions, fetches;

---------------- ---------- --------------- ------------- ---------- ---------- -----------------------
0700010265D3CD58 3716677168       584524445 36qn50vfsgzjh       6056      11800              .876101928

- Flush the specific SQL from the pool

exec DBMS_SHARED_POOL.PURGE ('0700010265D3CD58,3716677168', 'C');

If there is ever a need to drop the SQL baseline, you can use below

my_plans number;
   plan_name => 'SQL_PLAN_8a6pvqdabksqh4673ac44',
   sql_handle  => 'SQL_851abbb354b962d0');


By default the SQL baselines are evolved unless they marked as FIXED. Hence one specific SQL_Handle can have multiple plan_name as they are evolved.  We can run below procedure as SYS or SYSTEM manually and if there are any better plan then baseline plan  that has been evolved then it will be accepted. 

SQL> SET LONG 100000;
SQL> SELECT DBMS_SPM.evolve_sql_plan_baseline(sql_handle => 'SQL_da034ca4e16e6345') from dual;

  Plan was verified: Time used 7.506 seconds.
  Plan failed performance criterion: 1.25 times better than baseline plan.

                            Baseline Plan      Test Plan       Stats Ratio
                            -------------      ---------       -----------
  Execution Status:              COMPLETE       COMPLETE
  Rows Processed:                       3              3
  Elapsed Time(ms):                 3.316          4.272               .78
  CPU Time(ms):                     2.043          1.891              1.08
  Buffer Gets:                        424            339              1.25
  Physical Read Requests:               0              0

  Physical Write Requests:              0              0
  Physical Read Bytes:                  0              0
  Physical Write Bytes:                 0              0
  Executions:                           1              1

Plan: SQL_PLAN_dn0ucnmhqwsu5e36d0354
  Plan was verified: Time used 8.31 seconds.
  Plan passed performance criterion: 1.58 times better than baseline plan.

  Plan was changed to an accepted plan.

- Below SQL show that same SQL_handle has 3 Baslines accepted and baseline with best optimizer cost would be picked up. 

select sql_handle, plan_name, enabled, accepted, optimizer_cost from dba_sql_plan_baselines where sql_handle='SQL_da034ca4e16e6345' and accepted='YES'  order by CREATED desc;

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Cancel concurrent request "could not lock request" message

As part of our day to day Apps DBA job, we get the ask from other product support teams to cancel concurrent requests based on business requirement. However, at times we get into a situation where even we are unable to cancel request or it simply just hangs. For Example:- 
  • When you cancel or terminate concurrent request from SYSADMIN it  throws "could not lock request"
  • Even running the below sql in backend to terminate the request also hangs doing nothing
update apps.fnd_concurrent_requests set phase_code='C' , status_code='X' where request_id=12345;

- When the above update state was running in session 1 , you can open duplicate session 2 and run the below statement to find out which SID is causing the lock to session 1 ( "update" statement).  Then clear the blocking session

SELECT inst_id, DECODE(request,0,'Holder: ','Waiter: ')||sid sess, id1, id2, lmode, request, type FROM GV$LOCK
   WHERE (id1, id2, type) IN (SELECT id1, id2, type FROM GV$LOCK WHERE request>0) ORDER BY id1, request;

- Some times, you may not find  any database blocking session, the option would be to find any FNLIBR process that is still accessing concurrent request id.  In AIX system, it's easy, run fuser command 

   fuser -u $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/l12345.req  10682440(oracleebs)

- LINUX system, you can use below query  

Set Pages 1000
Set head on
Column Manager   Format A12
Column Request   Format 999999999
Column Program   Format A30
Column User_Name Format A15
Column Started   Format A15
Column FNDLIBR  Format A9
prompt Managers that is running a request and FNDLIBR PROCESS;
select substr(Concurrent_Queue_Name,1,12) Manager, Request_Id Request, User_name,
       substr(Concurrent_Program_Name,1,35) Program, Status_code, To_Char(Actual_Start_Date, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') Started
  from apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Queues Fcq, apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Requests Fcr,
      apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Programs Fcp, apps.Fnd_User Fu, apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Processes Fpro
       Phase_Code = 'R' And Status_Code <> 'W' And
       Fcr.Controlling_Manager = Concurrent_Process_Id       and
      (Fcq.Concurrent_Queue_Id = Fpro.Concurrent_Queue_Id    and
       Fcq.Application_Id      = Fpro.Queue_Application_Id ) and
      (Fcr.Concurrent_Program_Id = Fcp.Concurrent_Program_Id and
       Fcr.Program_Application_Id = Fcp.Application_Id )     and
       Fcr.Requested_By = User_Id and Fcr.request_id=&request_id
         order by Started;MANAGER         REQUEST USER_NAME       FNDLIBR PROGRAM                        S STARTED
------------ ---------- --------------- --------- --------- ------------------------------ - ---------------
STANDARD        12345 XXYYY          9240602     XLAACCPB                       R 25-AUG-17 15:03

Now check the process in CM tier 
ps -ef|grep 9240602|grep -v grep
  oraebs  9240602  8060984   0   Aug 25      -  0:49 FNDLIBR 

Once you have FNDLIBR process details,  you can find the corresponding database session  with below SQL and in our case the session has been waiting for a very long time 23409 secs

select  ses.sid,ses.serial#, proc.spid,ses.sql_id,ses.process, ses.last_call_et, ses.event from gv$session ses, gv$process proc where ses.paddr = proc.addr and ses.process='9240602';

------ ------- ------ ------------- ------------------------ ------------ ---------------
   804   14487 51118106 fnpyvpk41nd5s 9240602                        243409 Streams AQ: waiting for messages in the queue

After clearing the DB session , you can kill the concurrent request from backend

alter system kill session '804,14487,@1'
update apps.fnd_concurrent_requests set phase_code='C' , status_code='X' where request_id=12345;

Oracle database performance notes

Master Note: Database Performance Overview (Doc ID 402983.1) SQL Tuning Health-Check Script (SQLHC) (Doc ID 1366133.1) Achieving Optimal Per...